S. K. Gupta
Entrepreneurial | Learner | Avid Reader
S. K. Gupta is the CEO & Founder of Business Strategy Hub, which has reached over a million readers. A management consultant and entrepreneur, he understands how to create and implement business strategies. He is passionate about all aspects of businesses and making it easier for his readers to understand business.
Favorite book: How to win friends & influence people

Brianna Parker
Communicator | Analytical | Painter
Brianna Parker is the CCO (Chief Content Officer) of Business Strategy Hub. She is a writer, corporate storyteller and global brand consultant who has a unique combination of a business and creative mindset.
Owns more than 200 pairs of shoes

Ava Abbott
Analytical | Data Nerd | Coffee Addict
Ava Abbott is the CDO (Chief Data Officer) of Business Strategy Hub. As a data scientist and serial marketer, she brings a unique analytical perspective and extensive knowledge in marketing from her years of experience working for tech giants and starts ups.
Can solve a Rubik’s cube in under 3 minutes