Although cigars are tobacco products, they stand out from the crowd thanks to their history and unique production processes. Cigars are reserved for aficionados who love to savor the finer things in life. However, not all cigar brands are worth your time and money.
Pioneers like Arturo Fuente, Romeo Y Julieta, Partagas, and La Gloria Cubana have refined their premium cigars for over a century. These classic brands have won the hearts of cigar smokers globally. You can also rely on icons like Davidoff, Cohiba, and Rocky Patel to find modern blends. But which are the best cigar brands?
Here is a comprehensive analysis of the 15 best cigar brands:
1. Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente is a handmade cigar brand founded in 1912 by Arturo Fuente Sr. The Fuente family has retained ownership of the business for over a century, passing down their cigar traditions to Fuente descendants. The brand’s cigar labels include Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva, Chateau Fuente, Casa Cuba, Hemingway, Don Carlos, Magnum R. Rosada, Rare Pink, OpusX, and Padron Legends.
Image source: Arturo Fuente
Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva cigars represent four generations of the Fuente family traditions. This flagship series is made in the Dominican Republic using high-quality vintage tobacco. Then, it is hand rolled with Connecticut Shade, African Cameroon, or Ecuadorian Sun Grown wrapper leaf. Carlos “Carlito” Fuente Jr. plans to launch a new Black Pink cigar line after a teaser at the 2024 PCA Convention & Trade Show. [1]
Pros: Arturo Fuente has crafted premium cigars from high-quality tobacco blends for over a century. The brand uses a unique aging process to enhance its cigars’ flavors, aromas, and strength. For example, the Gran Reserva cigars are aged in Spanish cedar vaults. You can get Arturo Fuente cigars with the perfect flavor profile and strength from medium to full-bodied.
Cons: Arturo Fuente is a premium cigar brand. Its cigars can be pricey. You’ll pay over $170 for one Arturo Fuente Padron Legends cigar.
Price Range per Cigar: $6.40-$178
2. Padrón
Padrón is a Nicaraguan cigar brand established by the Padrón family in 1964. The company released the Padrón 1926 Serie for the founder’s 75th birthday. This cigar with a full-bodied flavor is a must-try for any cigar aficionado. In Jul 2024, the brand modified the bands of the Padrón 1964 Anniversary, 1926 Serie, and Damaso product lines. Padrón is replacing dual bands with a single, one-piece band. [2]
Image source: Padron Cigars
Pros: Padrón is recognized for its premium, handcrafted, aged Nicaraguan blends. Its cigar portfolio includes the Pardon 1926 Serie, Damaso, 1964 Anniversary Series, Padrón Family Reserve, and Series 3000-7000. Each option has rich flavors with dark chocolate, espresso, or earth notes that deliver a memorable and sophisticated smoking experience.
Cons: Padrón primarily targets seasoned cigar aficionados, not novices. Its top-end product lines can cost you over $100 per cigar.
Price Range per Cigar: $5.35-$178
3. Romeo y Julieta
Romeo y Julieta is a premium cigar brand founded in 1875 by Alvarez Garcia and produced by Habanos. It was named after Shakespeare’s tragic love story – Romeo Y Julieta. The brand’s best-known cigar line is Churchills of Romeo y Julieta, which honors Winston Churchill. Churchill was one of its most devoted smokers and sampled the company’s products during his 1946 visit to Havana.
Image source: Habanos
Romeo y Julieta extended the Churchills line with the 2006 Short Churchills, 2008 Reserva Cosecha, 2010 Wide Churchills, and 2012 Petit Churchills. Each has a unique flavor, aromatic blend, and size. The brand introduced the Julieta Petit Royals, Tacos Limited Edition, and Linea de Oro in the past 10 years. [3]
Pros: Romeo y Julieta cigars are crafted with the finest Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco leaves. They are known for their exceptional taste and distinct flavor profile.
Cons: Romeo y Julieta caters to the high-end market. Its cigars are expensive.
Price Range per Cigar: $18-$220
4. Alec Bradley
Alec Bradley is a cigar brand founded by Alan Rubin and owned by Scandinavian Tobacco Group. The company has offered premium handmade cigars since the mid-1990s. Its best-selling cigars include the Alec Bradley Prensado, Black Market, Tempus, Project 40, and Connecticut Nano. In May 2024, Alec Bradley introduced its new Safe Keepings brand that uses the founder’s old recipes. [4]
Image source: Alec Bradley
Pros: Alec Bradley is the go-to brand for novices and seasoned aficionados seeking high-quality cigars. Its cigars have unique flavor profiles. The brand offers affordable options, like the Alec Bradley Project 40 for $5.99 and Connecticut Nano for $6.15.
Cons: Alec Bradley entered the cigar market less than 30 years ago. Its cigar variety is limited compared to top brands like Arturo Fuente and Romeo y Julieta.
Price Range per Cigar: $5.99-$15.19
5. Davidoff
Davidoff is a luxurious cigar brand based in Basel, Switzerland. The company was founded in 1969 by Zino Davidoff to produce high-quality cigars. Its top-selling cigars include the Nicaragua Toro, Grand Cru No. 2, Millennium Blend Robusto, Signature No. 2, Late Hour Churchill, Yamasa Piramide, and Anniversary No. 3. In Apr 2024, the brand returned its Davidoff Maduro line to the market after 8 years. Its new blend uses an Ecuadorian Maduro wrapper, a Mexican binder, and Dominican fillers. [5]
Image source: Davidoff
Pros: Davidoff is synonymous with luxury, elegance, and craftsmanship in the cigar industry. The brand uses high-quality tobacco leaves selected from the best fields in the Dominican Republic.
Cons: Davidoff is an expensive luxury cigar brand. It offers fewer options than its top-rated competitors. However, each Davidoff cigar is a masterpiece designed to deliver unparalleled smoking experiences.
Price Range per Cigar: $15-$25
6. Cohiba
Cohiba is a Cuban cigar brand founded in 1966. The company was established to produce cigars for former Cuban leader Fidel Castro. In 1982, Cohiba released its first cigar for the general consumer market. Each Cohiba cigar is hand-rolled by experts, delivering the perfect burn and draw. In Jul 2024, Cohiba unveiled a cedar wood humidor housing 88 Short cigars in China to commemorate the Year of the Dragon. The company introduced Cohiba Short cigars in 2023 to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit. [6]
Image source: Cohiba
Pros: Cohiba cigars are known for their robust and full-bodied flavor. Its collection caters to different tastes and smokers, from novices to true blue cigar connoisseurs.
Cons: Cohiba cigars cost more than the market’s average. Some novice smokers are turned off by Cohiba’s full-bodied flavor.
Price Range per Cigar: $20-$450
7. La Gloria Cubana
La Gloria Cubana is a cigar brand founded in 1885. Its cigars blend timeless Cuban traditions with Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos to deliver unique smoking experiences. In Jul 2024, the brand unveiled the La Gloria Cubana Podium as France’s Regional Edition smoke for the 2024 Paris Olympics. The company produced only 4,000 boxes of Podium cigars and charged $43.45 per cigar. [7]
Image source: La Gloria Cubana
Pros: La Gloria Cubana cigars are known for their rich and complex full-bodied flavor. The brand has maintained its cigar quality and excellent reputation since 1885.
Cons: La Gloria Cubana incorporates its signature deep earthy aroma with other flavors in its cigars. However, earthy flavors aren’t for everyone. Its premium cigars are expensive.
Price Range: $5-$287
8. Rocky Patel
Rocky Patel emerged in the 1990s cigar boom. The brand differentiated itself in the crowded cigar industry by embodying innovation and craftsmanship. Its top-selling cigars include the Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto, Decade Lonsdale, Edge Toro, Number 6 Corona, Vintage 1990 Churchill, Quarter Century Robusto, and Vintage 2006 San Andreas Toro. In Aug 2024, Rocky Patel launched the Pursuit of Perfection campaign and competition. The brand offered an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour to the lucky winners. [8]
Image source: Rocky Patel
Pros: Rocky Patel cigars reflect the brand’s dedication to craftsmanship, quality, and intricate balance of flavors. Its product lines cater to smokers’ different tastes. You can buy the Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro Robusto if you enjoy full-bodied and flavorful cigars.
Cons: Rocky Patel doesn’t have an extensive cigar collection or generations of cigar-making heritage like other brands. However, its unique blends are perfect for novices and seasoned smokers.
Price Range per Cigar: $7-$45
9. Oliva Cigars
Oliva is a renowned cigar brand founded by the Oliva family in 1886 in Nicaragua. It offers a wide range of cigars with exceptional smoking experiences. The brand’s top-selling cigars include the Serie V, Connecticut Reserve, Serie O, Master Blends 3, and Serie G Maduro. In Dec 2023, Oliva released a Limited Cote d’Ivoire Akwaba Edition for the African Cup of Nations in Abidjan. [9]
Image source: Oliva Cigar
Pros: Oliva cigars have consistent quality, perfect craftsmanship, and rich, nuanced flavors. You can buy the Oliva Serie V Double Toro if you seek a Nicaraguan handmade cigar with rich spice, leather, and oak notes.
Cons: Oliva cigars are expensive. However, you can find affordable options like the Gilberto Oliva Reserva for $5.60.
Price Range per Cigar: $5.60-$300
10. Montecristo
Montecristo is a Cuban cigar brand renowned for its rich history and exceptional quality. It was founded in 1935 as a tribute to the cigar-smoking hero of Alexandre Dumas’s Count of Monte Cristo novel. The brand launched with the I-V cigars in 5 sizes and expanded its offerings from the 1970s. In Mar 2024, the brand released the Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Doble Diamante at the PCA in Las Vegas. This soft-pressed Nicaraguan puro cigar stands out thanks to its unique flavor, aroma, and complexity. [10]
Image source: Altidas Montecristo USA
Pros: Montecristo has a comprehensive cigar collection. Each Montecristo cigar has a unique flavor, balanced blend, and distinguished aroma, ensuring the brand caters to all smokers.
Cons: Montecristo is synonymous with luxury and sophistication. Its premium cigars can be pricey.
Price Range per Cigar: $14-$175
11. Partagas
Partagas is a Cuban premium cigar brand founded by Don Jaime Partagas and manufactured by Habanos. The founder migrated from Spain to Cuba and established the first Partagas factory in 1845. This location offered easy access to the finest tobacco plantations in the celebrated Vuelta Abajo tobacco-growing region.
Image source: Partagas
Partagas’ cigar labels include the Partagas Valle Verde, Cortado, Classic, 1845 Extra Oscuro, Legend, 1845 Extra Fuerte, and Heritage. In Apr 2024, the brand released the new Partagas Linea Maestra in Andorra. This cigar is available in three regular production sizes across North and South America, Europe, and Asia. [11]
Pros: Partagas has exemplified Cuban cigar-making excellence for over 175 years. The brand selects the finest tobaccos by hand from Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo region to craft sophisticated blends. Its aging process delivers bold and full-bodied cigars with rich and smooth flavors.
Cons: Partagas is known for its bold and full-bodied cigars. These cigars are perfect for seasoned smokers, not beginners. Partagas’ products cost more than the market’s average prices.
Price Range per Cigar: $12.99-$410
12. La Palina Cigars
La Palina is a cigar manufacturer founded in 1896 and based in Washington, DC. The brand is one of the most historically significant American cigarmakers. In the 2000s, the founder’s grandson, Bill, revived La Palina as a signature luxury cigar. La Palina 2.0 owned its tobacco, finished products, and brands but didn’t own a factory.
Bill partnered with cigar industry veterans to restore La Palina to its former glory. As of Aug 2023, La Palina crafted premium and ultra-premium handmade cigars in Honduras, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Miami, US. [12]
Image source: La Palina Cigars
Pros: La Palina has a rich history, perfect for cigar aficionados seeking an American brand with historical significance. It offers affordable cigars.
Cons: La Palina has limited variety because it outsources most of its production to third-party manufacturers in South America. Its Miami factory only produces the La Palina Goldies.
Price Range per Cigar: $5-$18
13. La Galera
La Galera is a Dominican Republic cigar brand founded in 1936. The company harvests its tobacco from fertile lands in Tabacalera Palma, Santiago. Then, the leaves are fermented and aged to create consistent blends and hand-rolled into La Galera “hecho a mano” cigars. Its blends rank highly on leading cigar platforms, like Cigar Aficionado.
Image source: La Galera Cigars
Pros: La Galera offers high-quality, hand-rolled cigars. Its cigars are affordable. You can buy the La Galera Connecticut if you prefer mild to medium-bodied blends or get the La Galera Maduro with fuller blends.
Cons: La Galera’s flavors may not meet the needs of some cigar aficionados.
Price Range per Cigar: $4.40-$20
14. Royal Dutch Cigars
Royal Dutch is a UK cigar and cigarillo brand owned by Ritmeester. The company produces premium hand-rolled cigars in São Felix, Brazil, and affordable machine-rolled cigarillos and cigars in Ritmeester’s facilities worldwide. Its product lines include the Double Filter Red, Miniature Yellow, Half Corona, Miniature Blue, Ritmeester Dutch Elites, and Panatella. Each Royal Dutch cigar and cigarillo is crafted from Ritmeester’s finest South American and Asian tobacco crops.
Image source: Ritmeester Royal Dutch
Pros: Royal Dutch uses high-quality Brazilian and Indonesian tobaccos and unique wrapper leaves, offering a timeless smoking experience. It Dutch is one of the most affordable cigar brands.
Cons: Royal Dutch’s affordable cigars and cigarillos are machine-rolled in different rolling centers worldwide. Although this approach cuts costs and retail prices, it increases the risk of flavor and blend inconsistencies and quality issues.
Price Range per Cigar: $1.20-$7
15. Great Wall Cigars
Great Wall is China’s leading cigar and pipe tobacco manufacturer, founded in 1918. The Great Wall Cigar Factory is based in the Shifang. This region has been growing tobacco for over 400 years. In Jan 2024, the brand released the Great Wall GJ 1984 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Sino-British Joint Declaration. The company also launched the Great Wall Year of the Dragon HK exclusive, GJ 1918, and Hao Yue Chang Chun. These products were developed by Great Wall Cigar Master for several years. [13]
Image source: Great Wall Cigars
Pros: Great Wall combines state-of-the-art production methods with premium tobacco blends to create unique cigars. The brand uses the best wrappers, fillers, and binders from different countries. These combos are perfect for cigar smokers seeking unique flavors.
Cons: Great Wall’s machine-rolled cigars may not satisfy discerning connoisseurs. Its top-end cigars are expensive.
Price Range per Cigar: $16.50-$200
References & more information
- Minato, C. (2024, Mar 27). Arturo Fuente Teases Black Pink at PCA 2024. Half-Wheel
- Savona, D. (2024, Jul 29). Padrón modifies its Cigar Bands. Cigar Aficionado
- Habanos SA (2023, Apr 6). Habanos Brands: Romeo y Julieta.
- Mottola, G. (2024, May 9). Alec Bradley’s Safe Keepings brand is coming next month. Cigar Aficionado
- Lagreid, P. (2024, Jun 6). Davidoff returns Davidoff Maduro Robusto. Half-Wheel
- HG Cigar News (2024, Jul 11). Cohiba Short: Year of the Dragon. House of Grauer
- Mottola, G. (2024, Jul 26). France’s Regional La Gloria takes the Podium. Cigar Aficionado
- Rocky Patel (August, 2024). Rocky Patel: Pursuit of Perfection. Cigar Public
- Oliva Cigars (2023, Dec 15). Oliva Cigars unveils Limited Cote d’Ivoire Akwaba Edition 2024. Cigar Journal
- Miller, S. (2024, Mar 12). Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edición Doble Diamante debuts at the 2024 PCA Show in Las Vegas. Cigar Snob Magazine
- Whittington, B. (2024, Apr 11). Partagas Linea Maestra Arrives in Andorra. Half-Wheel
- La Palina Cigars (2023, Aug 14). La Palina: Our story.
- Great Wall Cigar (2024, Jan 24). Details of the New Releases of Great Wall Cigar. Cigar Journal
- Featured Image by Yohan Cho
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