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Oracle competitors & alternatives

Top 10 Oracle Competitors & Alternatives

Oracle is a US-Based multinational technology company with headquarters in California. Founded by engineers Larry Ellison, Bob Miner, and Ed Oats in 1977, Oracle started out as a Silicon Valley startup and has grown to become a leading tech giant.

Today, Oracle provides services such as database solutions, cloud engineering, and enterprise software products, such as its own database management system.

Here are the top competitors of Oracle:

1. Amazon Web Services

Launched: 2006
CEO: Andy Jassy
Headquarter: Seattle, Washington, USA
Product & Services: Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon Web Services acts as a subsidiary to the multinational company Amazon. Founded in 2006 by Andy Jassy, the acting CEO, AWS, provides on-demand cloud computing for companies, individuals, and governments.

With innovative infrastructure solutions, AWS services meet demands such as higher compute power, database storage, content delivery, and much more. The company is dedicated to help build scalable, flexible, and reliable applications.

2. Microsoft

Launched: 1975
Founders: Bill Gates and Paul Allen
Headquarter: Redmond, Washington, USA
Product & Services: Access

Microsoft Access is a service from Microsoft, a multinational technology corporation founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Microsoft Access was launched later in 1992 as a database management software (DBMS).

Today Access is available in the Microsoft Office suite and also sold separately. The system enables individuals and businesses to build and customize database solutions to meet business needs.

3. Teradata

Launched: 1979
Founders: Jack E. Shemer, Philip M. Neches, Walter E. Muir, Jerold R. Modes, William P. Worth, Carroll Reed and David Hartke
Headquarter: San Diego, California, USA
Product & Services: Teradata cloud

Teradata was born as a result of the research at the California Institute of Technology (CalTech). Today, Teradata has expanded as a software enterprise company providing consulting, business analytics, and cloud solutions.

4. IBM

Launched: 1911
Founders: Charles Ranlett Flint and Thomas J. Watson Sr.
Headquarter: Armonk, New York, USA
Product & Services: DB2

IBM is a multinational information technology company known as the Big Blue. In 1983, IBM launched its first commercially available database known as the IBM Db2.

DB2 is a family of data management software products that helps businesses with structured and unstructured data management on-premises and cloud environments.

5. SAP

Launched: 1972
Founders: Dietmar Hopp, Hans-Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner, Klaus Tschira, Claus Wellenreuther
Headquarter: Walldorf, Germany
Product & Services: SAP HANA & Databases

SAP is a Germany-based multinational IT company with headquarters in Walldorf, Germany. The company provides enterprise software and solutions for managing business operations.

SAP HANA is a flexible business data platform that can be used to build intelligent enterprise applications.

6. Snowflake

Launched: 2012
Founders: Benoit Dageville, Thierry Cruanes, and Marcin Zukowski
Headquarter: San Mateo, California, USA
Product & Services: Snowflakes cloud database warehouse

Snowflake started off as a cloud-based data warehousing startup founded in 2012 by three data warehousing experts Benoit Dageville, Thierry Cruanes, and Marcin Zukowski.

Snowflake’s cloud database warehouse provides one of a kind data warehousing solutions with a unique architecture built for the cloud.

7. MongoDB

Launched: 2007
Founders: Kevin P. Ryan, Eliot Horowitz and Dwight Merriman
Headquarter: New York and Palo Alto, California, United States
Product & Services: MongoDB

MongoDB was launched in 2009 by MongoDB Inc. as a NoSQL, document-based database. The database is built for modern cloud-based applications and uses json and rich query language to simplify relational databases. MongoDB customers are Facebook, Coinbase, EA, Google etc.  

8. MarkLogic

Launched: 2001
Founders: Gary Bloom and Christopher Lindblad
Headquarter: San Carlos, California, USA
Product & Services: MarkLogic Database

MarkLogic is a US-based database provider founded by Gary Bloom and Christopher Lindblad in 2001. The company provides NoSQL database solutions for enterprises and works with leading organizations such as Sony, J.P.Morgan, Johnsons & Johnsons, and the US department of state.

The company has over 1000 customers and offices all over the world, including in Europe, Asia, and Australia.

9. Neo4j

Launched: 2007
Founders: Emil, Johan, and peter
Headquarter: San Mateo, USA
Product & Services: Graph Database Management

Neo4j was founded by Emil, Johan, and Peter, who had encountered issues in RDBMS. In 2007 they launched Neo4j, a graph database that used by large corporations such as IBM, Microsoft, HP, Adobe, NASA, and much more.

Neo4j’s graph database can be leveraged to build intelligent applications, including artificial intelligence solutions, social networks, fraud detection, master data management, and much more.

10. Qubole

Launched: 2011
Founders: Ashish Thusoo and Joydeep Sen Sarma
Headquarter: Santa Clara, California, USA
Product & Services: Qubole Database Management

Qubole was founded by Ashish Thusoo and Joydeep Sen Sarma from Facebook’s Data service team. The company was founded in 2011 with the mission to bridge data accessibility gaps with a self-service multi-cloud data platform. Qubole has over 150 customers, including leading companies such as Oracle, Disney, Adobe, Lyft, and Zillow.

 References & more information

Featured Image Credit: VollwertBIT [CC BY-SA 2.5 (]

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S.K. Gupta

A management consultant and entrepreneur. S.K. Gupta understands how to create and implement business strategies. He is passionate about analyzing and writing about businesses.

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