Business Strategy Hub

FedEx Mission Statement | Vision | Core Values | Strategy (2025 Analysis)

Company: FedEx
CEO: Raj Subramaniam
Year founded:
Memphis, Tennessee
Employees (2021):
Ticker Symbol:
Market Cap (Jul 2022): $59.11B
Annual Revenue (2022):
Profit | Net income (2022): 

Products & Services: domestic shipping ǀsmall parcel, and envelope shipping
Competitors: DHL Supply Chain ǀ APL Logistics | Hyundai Glovisǀ APL Logistics | UPS | Amazon | Uber freight

An interesting fact about FedEx is that the company didn’t start out as a “courier service” but as a company to pick up and deliver cheques from Federal Reserve banks. However, it later grew into one of the largest shipping service providers across the globe.

FedEx has established a reputation as a global powerhouse in the logistics and shipping industry. The company excels at producing profitable financial returns for shareholders by providing high-value-added transportation, logistics, and other related services.

Founded in 1973 by Frederick Wallace Smith, FedEx has grown its operations into six independent service networks. The corporation manages this network collaboratively.

Over the years, FedEx has become a globally admired and recognized brand. Built on integrity and ingenuity, the shipping company connects 99 percent of the GDP of the world.FedEx offers integrated comprehensive business solutions via collective operations and 550 000 employees. FedEx’s annual revenue is $94 billion.

A comprehensive analysis of FedEx’s mission statement, vision statement, and core values in this detailed review will help you find what makes this company a global corporation.

Mission Statement

“FedEx Corporation will produce superior financial returns for its shareowners by providing high value-added logistics, transportation, and related business services through focused operating companies.”

FedEx‘s comprehensive mission statement projects the company’s activities and goals it seeks to execute and achieve. The statement is the major projection of the company’s strategic actions to meet customers’ evolving demands. The projected objectives in the mission statement demonstrate how this transportation giant outlines its operations.

The critical components in FedEx’s mission statements comprise the following:

FedEx’s Mission Statement Analysis

FedEx works with a mission statement that entails thorough and transparent objectives. That said, here is a detailed analysis of the mission statement.

  • Improving Client’s Life

FedEx has always been a company that puts its customers’ needs first. The company aims to provide shipping services that provide customers with convenience and ease. The commitment to making lives easier is evident in the company’s dependable shipping system to link its customers with their services and goods.

And it doesn’t stop there, as FedEx shows that it integrates the corporate social responsibilities to add value to people’s lives and help them access reliable services regardless of location.

  • Higher Profits and Revenue for Customers and Shareholders

The company emphasizes good financial packages for stakeholders and partners involved. These attractive economic benefits also include investors. The company also signifies the fact in the mission statement that it offers highly competitive prices to benefit its vast customer base.

  • Hassle-free Transportation

FedEx stands out when it comes to unmatchable logistical prowess. The company’s shipping and transportation services are at par in terms of efficiency, speed, and reliability. FedEx indicates a dependable transport mechanism, and local or international customers can rely on its services.

The company further ensures that customers are the focus of its courier services. Therefore, it offers them a facility to track their goods via a tracking system.

Image credit: Fasyah Halim

Vision Statement

A dynamic and progressive courier services firm that leverages technology and impacts the lives of all people”

The simple vision statement highlights how FedEx incorporates the idea of impacting lives into its courier services. Diversity and inclusion play a vital role in shaping the vision of the company.

FedEx’s Vision Statement Analysis

  • Success-Oriented and Dynamic            

Both ‘success-oriented’ and ‘progressive’ are impactful words and are very much on-brand for companies like FedEx. They perfectly mirror the attributes customers look for when they look for a dependable courier firm.

Success-oriented refers to being determined in the business landscape, and FedEx has a remarkable track record since it was founded. The company wants to continue this by striving to provide the best services. To do so, they’ve evolved and adapted over time to achieve this.

  • Leveraging Advanced Technology

The component in the mission statement demonstrates FedEx’scommitment to becoming more progressive by leveraging the technology to its advantage. The company continues to evolve with time and explores innovative ways to leverage technology to help it meet customers’ needs.

  • Impact People’s Live

FedEx is one of the customer-oriented companies that remains connected to the people-service philosophy. The company ensures that the customers get what they deserve when they opt for shipping and courier services.

That means maintaining employee satisfaction so that they can uphold the company’s standards. The approach leads to long-term customer satisfaction and financial success.

FedEx ‘sCore Values

FedEx is a global leader in technology and innovation, and that makes it the top choice of people all over the world. The core values of the company include the following;

1. Innovation

Innovation is one of the critical values FedEx holds to demonstrate that it is a progressive company and aims to grow and evolve with time. The value ensures that the company will keep looking for effective and new ways to fulfill customers’ demands.

2. Loyalty

Loyalty is another fundamental principle that FedEx incorporates in its work culture and operations. The company believes that if it’s loyal to employees, the employees get the best job done for the customers. As a result, the company experiences financial success and customer loyalty.

3. Integrity

FedEx services are trusted with millions of dollars worth of supplies every year. Each employee at FedEx knows that the parcels they deliver are valuable and priceless for customers. That’s why the company holds integrity as a core value. Customers trust the honesty and transparency of FedEx, and that makes it the most reliable courier firm in the world.

 References & more information

  1. FedEx, FedEx Corp. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year Results, FedEx
  2. FedEx, Corporate Integrity Compliance, FedEx
  3. FedEx, Corporate social responsibility Overview,FedEx
  4. FedEx, Innovation & technology policy perspectives, FedEx
  5. Featured image by Bannon Morrissy

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Brianna Parker

She is a creative writer, corporate storyteller and global brand consultant, who has a unique combination of a business and creative mindset.

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